As you may remember, last year due to Covid-19, we had to cancel participation in the 53rd Annual Meeting. This year the 54th Annual Meeting of the WSM will take place June 28 – July 2, 2021, although it is going to be a virtual meeting due to continuing restrictions concerning the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, B. C., CICESE or Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education at Ensenada is hosting the meeting by the webex platform.
Official language: English, However, to promote the participation of Spanish speaking students, it would be possible to give talks in Spanish, but the slides will have to be in English.
Tentative schedule
• June 28. Monday. Registration and WSM executive committee meeting
• June 29. Tuesday. Workshops
• June 30. Wednesday. Symposia and talks and posters, evening WSM silent auction
• July 1. Thursday. Symposia and talks and posters, WSM general business meeting (if needed)
• June 2. Friday. Symposia and talks and posters, WSM all members meeting, evening virtual banquet
• On line workshops may be in English or Spanish with one co-ordinator.
If you have a workshop, please contact me
• There will be a formal request to organize additional sessions or non-sponsored symposia. The sessions will be arranged by research topic not by taxonomic group.
If you have a symposium, please contact me (wsm2021@cicese.mx).
I hope to you see you all (virtually) in June.
Miguel A. del Río
WSM President 2021.